Auxiliary Sisters,
We elected officers at our Apr. meeting. They will start their year in July. President-Cecelia Haffner; Sr. Vice-Arlene Bosek; Jr. Vice-Margie Kleven; Chaplain-Kathy Baudrau; Conductress-Gladys Sanborn; Treasurer-Nancy Ost; Trustees-Gladys Sanborn, Margie Kleven, and Arlene Bosek.
The web for the VFW has changed to: It is up and running, so be sure to check it out.
Heather will now be doing the newsletter so it has a new look. THANK YOU so much to Tom Carlson for putting it together for the last MANY years. A big THANK YOU to Joan Carlson for doing the addresses and change of addresses for MANY years. You both did an awesome job with the newsletter.
We will do street sales May 9 and 10. Notice my new phone #320-491-8527. Leave message. It takes a lot of auxiliary and Post members to do this. This money is used to help our veterans and their families.
We are looking for new members. Remember you can join under your father, grandfather, brother or sister. Any questions call me. Being a member is a great way of honoring your loved ones and showing support for them.
You can send your dues, change of address and life member applications to: Nancy Ost, Auxiliary Treasurer, 17762 County Road 6 NW, Parkers Prairie, MN 56361. Any questions call Nancy Ost at 218-267-2311.
We have decided to change the date for our Salad Luncheon. It will be on Tuesday, July 29 from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM. We will be making the salads in the Post kitchen. We cannot bring made salads in or bars. We are going to need Auxiliary Sisters to help make salads and donate money to pay for the cost of the ingredients. Thank you for helping make this a successful fund raiser for cancer aid and research and help with our cancer fund.
Dates to remember:
Auxiliary meetings 2nd Monday at 630 PM at Post
Department Convention June 4-8, 2014 in St. Cloud
***July 29 from 1100 AM to 1:00 PM Salad Luncheon
Hoping this finds you in good health. Plant Seeds of Patriotism in our Youth. “Keeping America’s Veterans and Families Strong” while giving “Generations of Service to Veterans”
Cecelia Haffner
Auxiliary President