June Newsletter
Hello to all Post & Auxiliary Members!
Here’s what’s happening:
- Tuesday, June 3 the Marine Corps League will be here for their monthly meeting starting at 7 pm
- Thursday, June 5 brings the Vietnam Veteran’s Association (VVA) for their monthly meeting. This group of veteran’s meets the first Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm. Thursday, is also Bar Bingo at 5:30 pm with Texas Hold ‘Em following at approximately 7:15 pm.
- Friday, June 6 brings DINNER & A DANCE. Enjoy a delicious Beef Stroganoff dinner served with salad bar, roll & and dessert for $8.00 and served from 5 to 7 pm. Following, at 7 pm, we are pleased to announce that “The Nite Owls” will be here for your dancing and listening enjoyment. If you come for dinner, there is no charge for the dance. If you come for the dance only, we are charging $5.00 per person cover charge. Our BAR MENU is also available from 4 to 8:30 pm.
- Effective Saturday, June 7, we will be changing up our Saturday Breakfast. Call the Club for more info, or better yet, STOP IN and CHECK IT OUT!
- Saturday, June 7 we welcome the Hoff/Krulikosky wedding party for their wedding dance. Congratulations!! PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO BARGO ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7.
- Monday, June 9 our Ladies Auxiliary meets at the Post home at 6:30 pm.
- Tuesday, June 10 we will again be having a free dinner for our members and military personal. Guests are also welcome to enjoy the meal for a free will donation. Please note that this is also our meeting night here at the Post. Supper will be served from 4:30 to 7 pm and this Tuesday Lisa will be preparing Meatloaf and serving it with mashed potatoes, gravy, roll & dessert. Post 936 House Committee meeting will be at 5:30 pm, and the Post Meeting will begin at 7:15 pm. Stop in and take advantage of what YOUR CLUB is offering you!!
- Saturday, June 14 brings a 50th Anniversary to our banquet hall from 1 to 4 pm.
- Friday, June 20 is our second Dinner & Dance for the month. Lisa will be serving Baked Chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, roll & dessert for only $8.00 and served from 5 to 7 pm. Following, at 7 pm, we are pleased to announce that “Terry Nelson” will be here for your dancing and listening enjoyment. Again, if you come for dinner, there is no charge for the dance. If you come for the dance only, there will be a cover charge of $5.00 per person. Our BAR MENU is also available from 4 to 8:30 pm.
- Saturday, June 21 we are hosting a Benefit/Fundraiser for Lisa Newbauer from 3 to 7 pm.
With all this going on, the VFW is definitely THE PLACE TO BE!!
Be sure to watch your newsletter each month for activities & NEW promotions. If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see, please feel free to stop in and see me. Your ideas & input are ALWAYS welcome.
Until Next Month,
Respectfully submitted,