August 2014
Auxiliary Sisters,
Sisters you can drop your dues or life Memership at the Post anytime during business hours .Be sure to make the check out to the VFW Aux. (This will give you a chance to check out the remodeling done and visit with some of your sisters or Post members there).
We voted in May to increase our dues to $20 as State and National have both increased their per capita $1.50 (total $3 more. Maybe this is a good time to become a Life Member! If you would like to become a life member; send Nancy Ost your 1. Name; 2. Address; 3 Birth date (month, day and year) and 4.Check for the amount you need to become a life member: Cost is age through 20 pay $220; age 21-25 pay $210; age 26-30 pay $200; age 31-35 pay $190; age 36-40 pay $185; age 41-45 pay $175; age 46-50 pay $170; age 51-55 pay $160; age 56-60 pay $150; age 61-65 pay $140; age 66-70 pay $130 age 71-75 pay $115 age 76-80 pay $95; age 81-85 pay $75; age 86-90 pay $60; 91 and over pay $50. You can make payments. Your age is how old you will be on Dec. 31, 2014. Nancy Ost 17762 Cty Rd 6 NW, Parkers Prairie, MN. 56360. Any questions call Nancy at 218-267-2311.
The 2014-2015 theme for Patriot’ Pen for grades 6, 7. & 8 is “Why I Appreciate America’s Veterans”. The theme for Voice of Democracy is “Why Veterans are Important to our Nation’s History and Future” for grades 9 thru 12. To find out more go click on Community, then click on Youth & education. The students can be home schooled, attend public schools or other schools any student can apply. You do not need to be eligible to join the VFW to enter. Questions give me a call. Tell your children, grandchildren, neighbors, etc.
Dates to remember are: Meetings are 2 nd Monday at 6:30 pm at the Post. Our Fall Conference is in Willmar Sept 12 to Sept 14. Our next Dist. meeting will be Sept 21 st at 2pm in Madison. Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essays due to Post by Nov. 1. Mid-Winter Conference is Jan 22-24, 2015; Department Convention is June 11-14, 2015.
To those who have been ill, we wish you a speedy recovery. To those who have lost a loved one, our prayers are with you. “Patriotism Begins at Home” as we are “Marching Together for Veterans”
Cecelia Haffner,
Auxiliary President